Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Is a sunburn on your face anything like a facial peel?

I recently got sunburned on my face pretty bad from a trip to the great sand dunes and it's peeling. I remember reading that a facial peel will help clear pores and help with acne and the like. So might my face look clearer after the redness from the sunburn goes away? Just a curious thoughtIs a sunburn on your face anything like a facial peel?
no...a facial peel isn't literally peeling layers of skin off your face - like a sunburn will turn into. a facial peel is a fancy way of saying deep clean/exfoliation. your sunburn may dry out your face - which may help with your breakouts but it is in no way the same as healthy skin care methodsIs a sunburn on your face anything like a facial peel?
No, a facial peel (a.k.a. chemical peel) is not like a sunburn. You can use solarcaine, aloe vera, and even tea (just make tea, get a wash cloth and soak it with the liquid and gently apply it to ur face- it helps reduce/heal redness) for your sunburn. A facial peel gets rid of layers and layers of (dead) skin, thus u get new skin. It helps get rid of scars, (it can help clear up ur face, but doesn't prevent acne), it can help with wrinkles/aging skin and discoloration.

-Depending on the percent of the facial peel...when the facial peel is applied (u leave it on for a certain amount of time...most say don't exceed 10 min.), you will feel itchyness and burning.

I would reccomend that you don't get a facial peel right after your sunburn. When u get the facial peel, it will make ur skin pink/red (which is normal) and then go down to ur normal skin color.
um.. yea but it only works the second time around. so go get some more sun!

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