Monday, December 21, 2009

When should i expect my facial skin to start peeling after the use of chemical peel?

i think it is like 2% Salicylic Acid.. is that too little for it to work well? i am hoping it could peel off the bad acne scar skin and grow new skin over it.. what should i get to get that result?

its not really big bad acne. but kinda reddish dots on my cheeks and forehead..When should i expect my facial skin to start peeling after the use of chemical peel?
for acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,spots,h鈥?problems n

other skin problems u can refer to dis website

it has got so many tips n free beauty samples

for curing acne and other skin problemsWhen should i expect my facial skin to start peeling after the use of chemical peel?
just buy the Murad skin care kit, than doing the peeling
you should no get a chemical peel if you have an acne... its only good for scars...

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