Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Any ideas about frecles and acne scars,,like what i can do to lighten then like peels, facials,dermabrsion?

I also have acne scars and alot of freckles. I am using a cream called Hydroquinone, it's by prescription only, it's working sooo good!! It is evening my skin tone out. I love it. It is prescribed by Dermatologist.Any ideas about frecles and acne scars,,like what i can do to lighten then like peels, facials,dermabrsion?
dear, u can lighten acne scars n frecles by dermabrasion for sure and if u want to go for home remedies- try using raddish juice on your face for 5-6 mins cpl of weeks. u cud also try this face pack- soak almonds overnite -next morning make a paste of them using lil fresh cold milk- apply this on scars- scars will lightenAny ideas about frecles and acne scars,,like what i can do to lighten then like peels, facials,dermabrsion?
I have used this highly informative information and it worked for me in getting rid of my pesky acne and the scars. And you don't need to buy expensive acne cream either!鈥?/a>

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